
Welcome to The Aging Millinial

-A Christian Culture-Junky trying to get out of my own way

Welcome to my online brain backup. It fails frequently and it’s just good sense to keep a backup so, I suppose, that’s what this site is. I was asked by a potential employer one time, 10 years ago, “Send me a link to your blog!” as if blogs were akin to a driver’s license, or a social security card; everyone had one in their wallet or stashed in their stack of “important documents” at home. I knew what they were but had no earthly idea how they worked or what types of folks had them. So I pretended I didn’t hear her question and found a sales job. 

A lot has been said about the Millennial generation. Among them, that they are young, naive, entitled, disrespectful, clueless, lazy, and fragile. It would be futile for me to argue with any of these adjectives. However, the first one is starting to become a little less applicable with each passing year. For those of us OG Millennials, we are well into our 30s. We all try to separate ourselves from “the bad ones” that came after us, but the nature of our experiences is inescapable. We know how ‘Millennials’ are expected to behave; either because we have internalized many of the tropes, or we see them in others. 

But, I thought to myself, what will we look like when we grow up? Will we carry those wonderful adjectives with us all the way to the grave? Will our sensitivity to them result in a backlash that carries us back across the rubicon? Do we just retract into ourselves and avoid the world as to not risk confirming everyone’s preconceptions of us? What kind of effect does it have on a generation when no one in the world has anything good to say about them, themselves included?

Well, instead of worrying too much about that stuff, I decided to just write stuff. What will the world look like as my generation ages and acquires more positions of influence on our surroundings? On the surface, such a thought sends chills down one’s spine. However, I do think there is a sizable chunk of us out there who reject the adjectives of our generation. This isn’t to say that we don’t have bouts of laziness and entitlement–we do–but we recognize them and obsess over improving our natural state. We’re hooked on conversations on civilization, philosophy, and story-telling. Having seen the results of the lessons that our parents’ generation provided, we look to past generations for insight. The internet allows for easy access.

Currently, entertainment is our battlefield. Despite our understanding of how silly and foolish it can be, certainly it can no longer be tagged as irrelevant. Are we ‘entertaining ourselves to death’? Probably. But the consequences of ignoring the culture-war are hard to miss. The disastrous impact of the ideas behind words like ‘Problematic, Systemic, Normative, or My truth did not come about as the result of wise people determining how best to shape society. They were introduced through culture as terms that captivate the mind and ‘tell a good story.’ Actual truth need not be bothered when entertainment is the goal. 

So, these are my observations. My guess is that anywhere between 70%-80%will be wrong or misguided. But I aim, only, to illustrate the process of one Aging Millenial learning his way through life. It is important to keep in mind that The views and opinions expressed on this site are those of myself and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of me. 


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